A bird with a scary yellow eye - Tufted Duck. Happy Walpurgis Night to everybody!
30 April 2009
Tuttvart, Aythya fuligula
A bird with a scary yellow eye - Tufted Duck. Happy Walpurgis Night to everybody!
29 April 2009
Meigas, Columba palumbus
Puu otsas kükitas suur lind. Alguses vaatasime, et tuvi. Oligi tuvi, aga mitte tavaline tuvi vaid hoopis kaelustuvi e meigas. Kükitas lihtsalt seal oksal ning ei teinud suurt kära. Tallinna lähistel.
There was a big bird sitting on a branch. At first we thought it was a pigeon. And it was. But not a common pigeon but a Woodpigeon. He just crouched there and did not make a fuss. Near Tallinn, Estonia.
There was a big bird sitting on a branch. At first we thought it was a pigeon. And it was. But not a common pigeon but a Woodpigeon. He just crouched there and did not make a fuss. Near Tallinn, Estonia.
28 April 2009
Metskiur, Anthus trivialis
Veel üks kevadekuulutaja traadil kevadet kuulutamas. Pärnumaa.
Another harbinger of spring (Tree Pipit) declaring that the spring has arrived. Pärnumaa, Estonia.
Another harbinger of spring (Tree Pipit) declaring that the spring has arrived. Pärnumaa, Estonia.
26 April 2009
Sinitihane, Parus caeruleus
Sinimütsiga fotogeeniline linnuke. Kevadises Pärnu rannas nokitses ta kaseseemnetes ning pärast kostitas meid ka meeldejääva lauluviisiga.
Photogenic birdy with a blue hat - Blue Tit. He nibbled the birch catkins on Pärnu beach and after that treated us with a catchy tune.
Photogenic birdy with a blue hat - Blue Tit. He nibbled the birch catkins on Pärnu beach and after that treated us with a catchy tune.
25 April 2009
Päikeseloojang Tallinnas. Värve me muutnud pole, täpselt nii kirev ja erk see juhtus too õhtu olema.
Sunset in Tallinn. We have not adjusted the colors - this evening just happened to be as bright and as colorful.
Sunset in Tallinn. We have not adjusted the colors - this evening just happened to be as bright and as colorful.
24 April 2009
Hallrästas, Turdus pilaris
Suvine ja sügisene marjaaedade hirm! Algajaid loodushuvilisi (meid!) üllatas vaid see, et ka kevadel on kõik kohad (põllud, metsad, pargid jne) neid täis. Harjumaa.
The monster of the estival and autumnal berry gardens! Amateur nature hobbyists (us!) were surprised that even in spring all the places (fields, woods, parks etc) are full of Fieldfares. Harjumaa, Estonia.
The monster of the estival and autumnal berry gardens! Amateur nature hobbyists (us!) were surprised that even in spring all the places (fields, woods, parks etc) are full of Fieldfares. Harjumaa, Estonia.
22 April 2009
Orav, Squirrel
Sõbralik oravapoisike demonstreeris meile oma osavust käbiseemnete kättesaamisel. Harjumaa.
Friendly squirrel demonstraded us his skills how to get seeds from a pine cone. Harjumaa, Estonia.
Friendly squirrel demonstraded us his skills how to get seeds from a pine cone. Harjumaa, Estonia.
21 April 2009
Hakk, Corvus monedula
Igavene tüütus, kelle vastu ametnikud on osades linnades alustanud isegi tõsist võitlust. Samas pildi peal üksikuna ja ilma taustahelita polegi lind nii vastumeelne vaadata.
A real nuisance against who the officials in some towns have started a serious battle. But if you look at the Eurasian Jackdaw alone on the picture without any background sounds then this bird is not half as unpleasant as you would expect.
A real nuisance against who the officials in some towns have started a serious battle. But if you look at the Eurasian Jackdaw alone on the picture without any background sounds then this bird is not half as unpleasant as you would expect.
20 April 2009
Metsvint, Fringilla coelebs
Kevadine rohkearvuline külaline. Selle konkreetse isendi saime peale Pärnumaal.
Vernal numerous visitor. This specific individual we saw in Pärnumaa.
19 April 2009
Pasknäär, Garrulus glandarius
Häälekas argpüks. Hoolimata oma suurest suurusest kaob pasknäär silmapiirilt niipea kui kusagil liikumist märkab.
Noisy coward. Despite its big size, Eurasian Jay dissapears from sight as soon as sees movement.
Noisy coward. Despite its big size, Eurasian Jay dissapears from sight as soon as sees movement.
18 April 2009
Hallõgija, Lanius excubitor
In Paljassaare peninsula (Estonia) we saw a Great Grey Shrike on a top of the tree. Horrendous birdy that tears up little animals with its large beak. :) In Estonia it is quite rare species.
17 April 2009
16 April 2009
Põhjatihane, Parus montanus
Veel üks meenutus talvelõpust. Kõrvemaa.
Another moment from the end of the winter - Willow Tit. Kõrvemaa, Estonia
15 April 2009
Leethiir, Clethrionomys glareolus
Kevad on jõudnud ka hiire koju. Pildil on sama hiireke keda me mõned kuud tagasi õunavargusel tabasime. Kõrvemaa.
The spring has arrived to the home of the mouse. On the picture is the same mouse that we captured couple of months ago. Kõrvemaa, Estonia.
14 April 2009
Lauk, Fulica atra
Common Coot whom we saw in a mouth of the river by the sea. After noticing us, she literally ran on the water before taking off. But she did not fly far, soon she was back in the thicket of reeds. Sõrve peninsula, Saarema island, Estonia.
13 April 2009
Kiivitaja, Vanellus vanellus
Naljaka tutiga linnuke, kes kevadeti meie põldudel maa seest ussikesi välja kisub. Teiselpool maakera saime eelmisel sügisel pildile ka tema lõunamaa sugulase (vt 2008 oktoobri pilte). See linnuke jäi pildile Kõrvemaal.
A bird with a funny crest - Northern Lapwing - who pulls out worms in our fields in spring. On the other side of the world we also got a picture of his southern relative (see October 2008 pictures). This birdy was caught in Kõrvemaa, Estonia.
12 April 2009
Aul, Clangula hyemalis
Pikasabalised merelinnud, keda nägime Saaremaal esimest korda. See tõestab jälle, et oleme asjaarmastajad, sest raamat väidab, et need on Eestis üsna levinud. :)
Long-tailed seabirds - Long-tailed Ducks, whom we saw first time in our lives in Saaremaa, Estonia. This proves again that we are amateurs because our book says that these are very common birds in Estonia. :)
11 April 2009
Sookured, Grus grus
Kevad on jõudnud ka sookurgedeni. Ilusad graatsilised tantsusammud. Sõrve säär, Saaremaa.
Spring has arrived to Eurasian Cranes. Beautiful and graceful dance steps. Sõrve peninsula, Saaremaa island, Estonia.
Spring has arrived to Eurasian Cranes. Beautiful and graceful dance steps. Sõrve peninsula, Saaremaa island, Estonia.
10 April 2009
Laululuik, Cygnus cygnus
Võimsa kopsumahuga luiged. Hiilisime ligi ja läks päris mitu minutit, ennem kui luik suvatses pea vee alt välja võtta. :) Need kollanokad on muide kühmnokkadest Eestis palju harvemad ja ka aramad. Sõrve säär, Saaremaa
Swans with a large lung capacity. We sneaked close but it took several minutes before this Whooper Swan took his head from under the water. :) These swans are shyer and much rarer in Estonia than the Mute Swans. Sõrve peninsula, Estonia.
08 April 2009
Musträstas, Turdus merula
Uhke ja läikivmusta ülikonnaga isane musträstas. Sõrve poolsaarel oli rästaid mitmes parves. Tolle isendi tabasime vesisel heinamaal, kuid ka üks metsatukk oli nende poolt hõivatud. Häirimise korral sööstavad nad välkkiirelt minema.
Proud male Blackbird with a shiny black suit. In Sõrve peninsula (Saaremaa island, Estonia) we saw them in different places. This guy we captured on a soggy meadow but one forest was also occupied by their flock. If disturbed they spurt away in a second.
07 April 2009
Ristpart, Tadorna tadorna
Ja nad ongi kohal... Esimesed pesitsejad juba otsivad kaaslasi. Sõrve säär, Saaremaa
And here they are... First Common Shelducks are searching for mates. Sõrve peninsula, Saaremaa, Estonia
06 April 2009
05 April 2009
Mere ääres kohtusime ootamatult ühe hülgepojaga. Paistis, et ta oli haige ning hüljatud ema poolt. Soovisime teda küll aidata (helistasime Keskkonnainspektsiooni) kuid keegi ei paistnud hoolivat. Aga selline see eluring juba on. Tugevamad jäävad ellu. Järve luited, Saaremaa.
By the sea we suddenly met a whitecoat. It seemed that he was sick and abandoned by his mother. We wished to help him (called local Environment Inspectorate) but nobody seemed to care. I guess that's the circle of life. The fittest will survive. Järve dunes, Saaremaa island, Estonia.
04 April 2009
Merikajakas, Larus marinus
"Kutid paneme siit vasakule!" Udune Sõrve sääre tipp oli märtsi lõpus lindude paradiis. Siin siis esimene pilt ja merikajakad. See ja ka eelmine pilt on muide meie esimesed katsetused uue Nikkor 300mm F4 objektiiviga. Obje on terav ja kiire, väga-väga hea valik. Võrreldes mineviku Tamroniga on kvaliteedivahe mõõdetav valgusaastates.
"Hey guys let's turn left here!". Foggy tip of Sõrve peninsula (Saaremaa island, Estonia) was the paradise of birds at the end of March. Here is the first picture and Great Black-backed Gulls. This and also the previous pictures are our first shots with the Nikkor 300mm F4 lens. The lens is sharp and fast, a very-very good choice. Compared to the Tamron we had before, the difference in quality is measured in light years.
03 April 2009
Rebane, Vulpes vulpes
Väga uudishimulik rebane - vaatles meid pikalt kõrrepõllul. Läänemaal, Eesti.
Very curious fox - observing us from stubble-field. Läänemaa, Estonia.
01 April 2009
Urvalind, Carduelis flammea
Oleme Urvalindude parvi näinud kevadel päris palju ja erinevates Eesti nurkades. Pildi peale sattusid nad Ontika kandis, kus hangiti toitu koos Põhjavintide ja Rohevintidega.
We have seen Common Redpolls this spring in flocks in many places in Estonia. This picture is taken in Ontika (North-Estonia) where they searched for food together with the Greenfinches and Bramblings.
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