28 February 2011
26 February 2011
Rasvatihane, Parus major
Taaskord pildil meie armastatud ja tuntud linnuke. Lisaks on ta uskumatult uudishimulik ja julge. Harjumaal.
Again we give you a photo of our loved and known Great Tit. Additionally they are unbelievably curious and brave. Harjumaa, Estonia.
24 February 2011
Eesti 93!
Palju õnne kuldses eas sünnipäevalapsele!
Estonia in a golden age - 93 years old! It's our Independence Day today.
23 February 2011
22 February 2011
Musträstas, Turdus merula
Külma talvega on väga keeruline ka tavalisel Eesti asukal hakkama saada. Pildil külmetav emaslind.
With a cold winter it's even difficult to manage for a common Estonian habitant. On the photo is a freezing female Blackbird. Harjumaa, Estonia.
20 February 2011
18 February 2011
Hallrästas, Turdus pilaris
Varajased kevadekuulutajad jõudsid liiga vara. Harjumaal.
Fieldfares, harbringers of spring arrived too early. Harjumaa, Estonia.
17 February 2011
Randadesse üle Eesti on tekkinud hulgaliselt jääskulptuure. Autoriks ilmataat.
There are ice sculptures like this all over the Estonian shoreline. The author is mother nature.
15 February 2011
14 February 2011
13 February 2011
11 February 2011
Lahkuv päev
Viimastel päevadel on jälle päikest näidatud. Loojumisaeg on aga olnud eriti värviderohke ja kontrastne.
In the last days we have seen the sun again (after a while). And the sunsets have been really colorful, overblown with contrast.
10 February 2011
Metskits, Capreolus capreolus
Ühel varajasel õhtutunnil, päikese loojumise aegu, sai pildiretkelt tulekul kokku juhtutud ühe kitsega. Üllatus oli mõlemapoolne, aga kuna me liikusime eri suundades, siis kumbki meist ei vaevunud isegi kiiremaid samme tegema. Metskitsi on praegu väga palju liikvel. Harjumaa.
In one early evening hour coming from a photohunt, about the time of a sunset, I suddenly was face to face with a Roe Deer. It was a surprise for both of us but as we were moving in different directions, neither even bothered to change a pace. There are many Roe Deer moving around these days. Harjumaa, Estonia.
08 February 2011
Jäine meri
Mere kaldal jää juba koguneb, vaikselt võib ehk kevadele mõtlema hakata. Harjumaa.
The ice is gathering on the shoreline. Perhaps you can secretly think on spring already. Harjumaa, Estonia.
07 February 2011
Siidisaba, Bombycilla garrulus
Siidisabad veedavad oma talved Eestis, trotsides kehvasid ilmastiku- ja toitmistingimusi. Suurtes parvedes liikudes edasi kadakalt kadakale.
In defiance of the bad weather and feeding conditions Waxwings pass their winters in Estonia. Moving in big clusters from juniper to juniper.
Kuna saginat on palju siis peab keegi olema ka vaatepostil ning piiluma ringi.
Since there is a lot of bustle and then someone must take a lookout position.
Samuti nõuab suuri akrobaatilisi oskusi raske lume alt marja kättesaamine.
Also it takes a lot of acrobatic skills to get the berries out from under the heavy snow.
05 February 2011
Unelev talvepäike
Pidev pilvisus ja nende vahelt vaid õrnalt kumav päike loob vahest väga nauditava valgusfooni.
Dreamy winter sun. Constant cloudiness and barely visible sun can create quite enjoyable color palette.
03 February 2011
Rebane, Vulpes vulpes
Üle pika aja on jälle rebaseid liikumas näha. Ringi uitamas ja oma peidetud söögivarusid välja kaevamas. Harjumaa.
After a long time we have seen foxes moving again. Wandering around and digging out their food reserves. Harjumaa, Estonia
01 February 2011
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