Erakordne linnuke, kes saab edukalt hakkama suure toiteväärtusega kõva tõruga, mille söömisega tavapäraselt saavad hakkama vaid oravad, leet- ja kaelushiired, mägrad, metskitsed ja loomulikult metssead. Ainuke lind, kes kannab meie lipuvärve tiibadel ning soodustab tammede, Eesti rahvuspuu, levikut.
Incredible bird who is the only bird that is very handy with eating hard acorn that is usually possible only for a squirrel, bank mouse, badger, roe deer and of course for a wild boar. It is the only bird that is wearing Estonian national flag on their wings and conduces to oak spreading, which is the Estonian national tree.