In light and shadow
29 November 2011
28 November 2011
Tsüklon tuleb
Nüüd kui Eestis on ilm päris käest ära, sobib siia ehk pilt paari kuu tagusest Horvaatiast. Temperatuurid olid siis küll mahedamad ja tuul mitte nii tugev.
It's very stormy in Estonia at the moment. This photo, although, is from couple of months ago from Croatia.
27 November 2011
25 November 2011
23 November 2011
Krka rahvuspark
Krka jõe alamjooksul asuv samanimeline rahvuspark on tõeliselt lummav paik. Kümneid väikeseid ja suuremaid koskesid ning mõnus rohelus ümberringi. Maalilisusest puudust polnud. Horvaatia.
Krka National Park on the lower reaches of Krka river is truly enchanting place. There are tens of smaller and larger waterfalls amongst the overall greenery. There was no shortage of picturesqueness. Croatia.
22 November 2011
21 November 2011
Velebiti mäestik pehme pilvevaiba all. Horvaatia.
Velebit mountains under the soft cloud blanket. Croatia.
19 November 2011
Sabatihane, Aegithalos caudatus
Hetkel, kui veel ei ole lund maas ning puud on lehtedeta on sabatihast lihtne märgata. Lendab ta ca 15-20 liikmelises parves vilkalt oksalt oksale. Niipea kui lumi on maas, sulandub ta valge kasuka tõttu täielikult looduspilti. Harjumaa.
Now when there is no snow and the trees are without leaves it's easy to spot a Long-tailed Tit. They fly fast from branch to branch with approximately 15-20 birds in the flock. As soon as the snow covers the terrain, they will be much harder to spot since their coat is nicely white. Harjumaa, Estonia.
17 November 2011
16 November 2011
14 November 2011
13 November 2011
Rohevint, Carduelis chloris
Tohutud rohevintide parved on praegusel ajal ringi liikumas. Kadakavälud on nende ühed lemmikkohad, kust kõhu täis saab. Harjumaa.
Huge flocks of Greenfinches are flying around at this time of year. The juniper thickets are one of the favorite places where they can fill their stomachs. Harjumaa, Estonia.
11 November 2011
Balkani rohesisalik, Lacerta trilineata
Horvaatia mägisel maastikul elutsevad puude vilus sellised rabavalt kenad isendid. Erkrohelised ja väga väledad. Paklenica Rahvuspark.
On Croatian rocky landscape, in tree shades, live these stunningly beautiful Balkan Green Lizards. Bright green and very swift. Paklenica National Park.
09 November 2011
08 November 2011
07 November 2011
05 November 2011
Kranjska Gora
Kranjska Gora mägede vahele on kinni jäänud suur vihmapilv. Ei liikunud ei edasi ega tagasi. Sloveenia.
There is a rain cloud stuck between the mountains of Kranjska Gora, Slovenia. It did not move back or forward.
03 November 2011
Škocjani koopad
Koopad on tekkinud Reka jõe teele ning põhikoobas on 3,5 km pikk ja 106-146 m kõrge. Škocjanis elab hulgaliselt nahkhiiri ja muid huvitavaid koopaelanikke. Škocjani koopad asuvad Sloveenias.
Škocjan Caves (Slovenia) are situated on the flow course of Reka River and the main cave is 3,5 km long and 106-146 m high. Inside the caves live 4 different species of bats and various other small creatures.
01 November 2011
Lauk, Fulica atra
Koomiks. "Oot-oot, siin midagi on..."
Comics. "Wait, there is something here..."
"Heh, käes!"
"Heh, got it!"
"Nii, nüüd veits ujumist."
"Now a bit of swimming"
"Näe mis mul on. Sul ei ole!" "Nõmekas..." Visovaci järv, Horvaatia
"Look what I've got! You don't have anything!" "Prick..." Visovac Lake, Croatia.
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