Veetsime džunglis ringi matkates 2 rasket päeva. Raske oli see igas mõttes. Esiteks oli trekkimine füüsiliselt ääretult kurnav selles kuumas ja niiskes keskkonnas ning teiseks oli soov samal ajal ka pidevalt ringi vahtida, pilti teha ja kummaliste häälte allikaid otsida.Reeglina aga toimus kogu elu kümnete meetrite kõrguste puude latvades. Seega füüsiliselt kurnatuna tuli teha pilti ja otsida olevusi väga halbades valgustingimustes (hämar metsaalune ja kiirgav päike latvades).
We spent 2 difficult hiking days in the jungle. It was difficult in different aspects. First of all the trekking was physically very exhausting in this hot and humid environment and second of all you always wanted to look around and take photos (although your body was really tired). In jungle most of the life goes on on the canopy therefore the light conditions were also terrible (shady forest floor and sharp sunlight on the top).
We spent 2 difficult hiking days in the jungle. It was difficult in different aspects. First of all the trekking was physically very exhausting in this hot and humid environment and second of all you always wanted to look around and take photos (although your body was really tired). In jungle most of the life goes on on the canopy therefore the light conditions were also terrible (shady forest floor and sharp sunlight on the top).
Puude puhul oli tihtipeale hoopis tegu liaanidega, kes olid oma peremeespuud ära kägistanud ning troonisid nüüd ise vihmametsa. See on sealkandis tavapärane, et suured puud on seest tühjad – puu on seest ära mädanenud ja alles on jäänud ainult teda ümbritsenud liaan. Puude kõrgus ulatub tihtipeale üle 70 meetri, pilt kahjuks seda võimsust edasi ei anna.
When I say trees, I often mean lianas who have strangled their hosts. It is very common in rainforest that the big trees are empty inside – the tree has rottened and only a surrounding liana is left. The trees are usually 70+... meters high, photos sadly cannot do justice here.
Võibolla annab väikese tunnetuse see pilt – antud puu alumises otsas asuv looduslik kaar on üle 10 meetri kõrge (st ca 4-korruselise maja kõrgus). Ja see on ainult puu alumine ots. Gunung Leuseri rahvuspar, Ketambe, Põhja-Sumatra, Indoneesia.
Maybe this photo gives a little hint – the natural arch on the bottom of this tree is over 10m high (i.e. as high as a 4-storey building). And this only the bottom of the tree. Gunung Leuser National Park, Ketambe, North-Sumatra, Indonesia.
When I say trees, I often mean lianas who have strangled their hosts. It is very common in rainforest that the big trees are empty inside – the tree has rottened and only a surrounding liana is left. The trees are usually 70+... meters high, photos sadly cannot do justice here.
Võibolla annab väikese tunnetuse see pilt – antud puu alumises otsas asuv looduslik kaar on üle 10 meetri kõrge (st ca 4-korruselise maja kõrgus). Ja see on ainult puu alumine ots. Gunung Leuseri rahvuspar, Ketambe, Põhja-Sumatra, Indoneesia.
Maybe this photo gives a little hint – the natural arch on the bottom of this tree is over 10m high (i.e. as high as a 4-storey building). And this only the bottom of the tree. Gunung Leuser National Park, Ketambe, North-Sumatra, Indonesia.
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