28 February 2009

Rebane, Vulpes vulpes

Rebane, Vulpes vulpes, Red Fox
Esimene kord kui rebasest talutava pildi saime. Eelmine pilt rebasest oli selline, et pildi peal on põld ja põldu sisse suumides leiab ligikaudu 3 pikslit, mis kujutavad rebast.
The first time when we got a likeable picture of the Red Fox. The last picture of the fox was as follows: there was a picture of the field and if you zoomed in a lot then you found ca 3 pixels that represented the fox.

27 February 2009

Suur-Kirjurähn, Dendrocopos major

Suur-Kirjurähn, Dendrocopos major, Great Spotted Woodpecker
Veidi planeerimist ning tsipa passimist ja saigi rähnist oluliselt parema pildi kui kunagi varem. Kõrvemaa.
A little bit of planning and waiting and we got our best ever shot of Great Spotted Woodpecker. Kõrvemaa, Estonia.

24 February 2009

Rasvatihane, Parus major

Rasvatihane, Parus major, Great Tit
Head Vabariigi Aastapäeva!
Happy Independence Day!

21 February 2009

Musträstas, Turdus merula

Musträstas, Turdus merula, Common Blackbird
Üks väga tavaline lind oma kaunidust presenteerimas.
One very common bird (Common Blackbird) presenting his beauty.

17 February 2009

Põder, Alces alces

Põder, Alces alces, Moose
Täiesti ootamatult sattusime Tuhala kandis peale kahele põdrale. Selleks ajaks kui fotokas laskevalmis sai, olid nad juba tihnikusse tõmbunud, kuid sellise 3+ pildi ikkagi sai.
Completely unexpectedly we encountered two mooses near Tuhala (North-Estonia). By the time our Nikon was ready to shoot, they were already in the bushes. But still - we caught one almost-satisfactory-picture.

16 February 2009

Leethiir, Clethrionomys glareolus

Leethiir, Clethrionomys glareolus, Bank Vole
Väike hiir asjatas hoolega metsa all ja tassis träni oma urgu. Taamal kaikus pistrikuhüüd, kuid sellest ta ei hoolinud.
A small Bank Vole was busy in the forest, bringing all kinds of stuff to his den. In the vicinity ringed the sound of an hawk but he did not care about that.

15 February 2009

Talvike, Emberiza citrinella

Talvike, Emberiza citrinella, Yellowhammer
Täissöönud, kollased tupsud. Meie vaatluskohas oli neid ca 30-pealine parv, veidi arad, kuid nälg sai neist alati võitu.
Yellow, blubbery tubbies. In our lookout place, there was a flock of ca 30 Yellowhammers. They were a bit shy but hunger always won.

14 February 2009

Metskits, Capreolus capreolus

Metskits, Capreolus capreolus, Roe Deer
Ilusat sõbrapäeva!
Happy Valentine's Day!

08 February 2009

Rasvatihane, Parus major

Rasvatihane, Parus major, Great Tit
Kõikehaarav hallus on enamus värve ära tuhmistanud. Samas tihane on pildilt eristatav :) Nagu näha ei ole majanduslangus linnuriiki veel jõudnud - rasvatihane on üsna rasvane.
Comprehensive greyness has dimmed most of the colors but the Great Tit is still distinguishable. As it seems, the economic depression has not influenced the bird kingdom yet - he is a fatty. :)

07 February 2009

Hallrästas, Turdus pilaris

Hallrästas, Turdus pilaris, Fieldfare
Jälle üks suur ja arg lind. Binokliga olen neid hulgim näinud, kuid sellist pilti pole kunagi saanud, kust oleks aru saada, et tegu on hallräästa mitte nt oravaga. Nüüd siis üks poolpidune kaader enam-vähem õnnestus (mitte et rahul saaks olla).
Another big and shy bird - a Fieldfare. I have seen them a lot with the binoculars but never got a picture where it is distinguishable if it's a fieldfare or for example a squirrel. Now a moderate shot where this problem is solved (not that you can be pleased with it).

01 February 2009

Suur-Kirjurähn, Dendrocopos major

Suur-Kirjurähn, Dendrocopos major, Great Spotted Woodpecker
Kui ilm poleks olnud nii krõbe, siis oleks ehk kannatanud seal passida ja saanud ka parema pildi. Rähnil oli üks põhipuu, kuhu ta auku sisse toksis ning sinna kuusekäbisid tassis. Linnuvaatlejate märkamisel lendas ta korraks minema, selleks, et paari minuti pärast samasse kohta tagasi tulla.
If it weren't for a chilly weather, it would have been possible to stake out a little more and perhaps get a better picture. Unfortunately it was a crispy winter day. The woodpecker (Great Spotted Woodpecker to be exact) had one main tree where he had made a hole and whither he transported the fir cones. After spotting us he flew away, just to return in a couple of minutes.