Sellel ajal kui mere ääres jääpangal külitasime ja merelinde passisime, ilmusid ootamatult meie selja taha veel ühed linnuhuvilised. Üllatus oli alguses ainult meiepoolne, sest meid nad ei märganud või siis ei tuvastanud ohuna.
As we were lying down on the ice by the sea and observing the seabirds, suddenly other bird enthusiasts appeared behind us. The surprise was on our side only at first as they did not see us or identify us as a threat.

Kokku tuli merekaldale tuhnima kolm põrsast. Ei teagi mis põnevat nad sealt leidsid.
In total there were three Wild Boar piglets foraging on the sea shore. Don't even know what did they find there.

Ühel hetkel panid nad aga meie liigutamise peale minema. Kohtusime nende kuttidega tegelikult korra veel. Kui rannast ära jalutasime, siis hüppasid nad järsku välja tee ääres kasvanud kadakapõõsaste vahelt. Kaugus meist vast 2-3 meetrit. Fotokas muidugi tardus käes sellise ootamatu taaskohtumise peale :P Saaremaa.
At one moment they took off as we moved a bit. But this was not the last time we saw these guys. As we walked away towards our car, they jumped out from under a juniper bush that was just 2-3 metres away. The camera, of course, froze in our hands due to this kind of sudden reacquaintance. :P Saaremaa island, Estonia.