Hehee, keegi piilub sambla sees.
Ha, someone is peaking from the moss
Kui me nüüd liigiga puusse ei pane, siis tegemist peaks olema mittemürgise Coluber Gemonensisega (Balkani piitsmadu?). Pildistamise hetkel me muidugi ei teadnud seda ja hoidsime seetõttu distantsi. Fotograafid on mao silma sees muide selgelt näha kui vaadata täismõõdus pilti :)
If we are not mistaken then it's a non-poisonous Balkan Whip Snake. At the moment of taking the photos we did not know that so we kept our distance. The photographers are by the way very clearly visible inside the snake eye on the full size photo :)
Madu oli suhteliselt kõhetu aga üsna pikk. Paklenica Rahvuspark, Horvaatia.
The snake was quite thin but it was rather long. Paklenica National Park, Croatia.