31 March 2011

Porr, Certhia familiaris

Porr, Certhia familiaris, Treecreeper
Pisikest ja väledat porri kohtab tavaliselt puutüvedel "töötamas". Ta alustab putukate otsimist tüve altosast ja liigub spiraalis üles.
You can usually see the tiny and fast Treecreeper "working" on the tree-trunks. It starts from the bottom and spirally moves towards the top.
Porr, Certhia familiaris, Treecreeper
Kusagil niisama istumas ja vahtimas teda ei näe. Vähemalt meie pole näinud. Tänu oma kiirele liikumisele on porri üsna keeruline pildistada. Need kaadrid saime Harjumaal.
You never see it just sitting and looking around. At least we have not seen. Due to its' constant movement, the Treecreeper is quite difficult to get in the frame. The shots are made in Harjumaa, Estonia.

29 March 2011

Metskits, Capreolus capreolus

Metskits, Capreolus capreolus, Roe Deer
Metskits, Capreolus capreolus, Roe Deer
Tihedas lumesajus on raske loomi märgata. Nii meile kui kitsedele tuli selline lumesadu pärast kauneid kevadpäevi suure üllatusena.
At the dense snow it's hard to notice animals. Snowfall after lovely spring days came as a suprise for us and the roe deers as well.

28 March 2011

Tutt-tihane, Parus cristatus

Tutt-tihane, Parus cristatus, Crested Tit
Tutt-tihased on praegu okaspuumetsade valitsejad. Neid on niipalju, et nende tsidistamine võib kohati olla kõrvulukustav. Harjumaa.
The Crested Tits are at the moment the rulers of the conifer forests. There are so many of them that their chirping can sometimes even be deafening. Harjumaa, Estonia.

26 March 2011

Värviline õhtu

Värviline õhtu, Colorful evening
Colorful evening

23 March 2011

Rebane, Red Fox

Rebane, Red Fox, Vulpes vulpes
"Oot-oot, kust poolt ma seda hiire piiksumist nüüd kuulsin? Sealt vist tuli..."
"Wait a minute, where did the mouse squeaking came from? From that way I think..."
Rebane, Red Fox, Vulpes vulpes
"Ei, ei ikka vist siitsamast."
"No, no, it was from just right here ."

22 March 2011

Jäine talvekroon

Ohtlik kunst, dangerous art
Icy winter crown.

20 March 2011

Kuldnokk, Sturnus vulgaris

Kuldnokk, Sturnus vulgaris, Common Starling
Kuldnokk, Sturnus vulgaris, Common Starling
Kohe-kohe algab kevad ja nagu tellitult nägime täna esimest korda ka ametlikke kevadekuulutajaid. Kuldnokad trotsisid lumevaipa ja otsisid endale sulanud paikadest midagi söödavat. Harjumaa.
In couple of hours spring arrives to Estonia and as a proof of that we saw today the official harbringers of spring the first time. The Starlings were defying the snow and were searching the food from the melted places. Harjumaa, Estonia.

18 March 2011

Päikesetõus merel

Päikesetõus merel, sunrise at sea
Päikesetõus merel, sunrise at sea
Päikesetõus merel, sunrise at sea
Mahedad hetked paari nädala tagusest ajast kui temperatuurid olid veel -25 kraadi juures ja meri oli paksu jääkihi all.
Sunrise at sea. The moments from couple of weeks ago when the temperatures were below -25C and the sea was under a thick crust of ice.

16 March 2011

Pasknäär, Garrulus Glandarius

Pasknäär, Garrulus Glandarius, Eurasian Jay
Seekord veidi teistsugune pilt. Peale tausta mustvalgeks muutmist, paistab pasknäär eriti kireva linnuna.
This time a photo with a twist. After making the background black and white, the Eurasian Jay looks like a very colorful bird.

15 March 2011

Arktiline Virumaa

Arktiline Virumaa
Arctic Virumaa. Estonia.

13 March 2011

Talvike, Emberiza citrinella

Talvike, Emberiza citrinella, Yellowhammer
Talvike, Emberiza citrinella, Yellowhammer
Talvike, Emberiza citrinella, Yellowhammer
Seltsis on segasem!
The more the merrier!

11 March 2011


Talvekuld, winter gold
Talvekuld, winter gold
Winter gold

10 March 2011


Edev helves, vain flake
Silmapaistvalt erinev.
Spectacularly different.
Lumekuuskede mets, forest of snow firs
Forest of snow firs.

09 March 2011

Õmblus, stitching

õmblus, Stitching
Looma jäljed jäisel lumel viivad metsa poole. Jättes endast maha õmbluse...
Animal tracks on icy snow lead to forest. Only stitching remains...

07 March 2011

Musträhn, Dryocopus martius

Musträhn, Dryocopus martius, Black Woodpecker
Musträhn, Dryocopus martius, Black Woodpecker
Hoolimata pikast veenmisest ja passimisest Musträhn okste vahelt välja ei tulnud. Tagus ennastunustavalt seda pehkinud kuuske nii et laastud lendasid mitme meetri kaugusele. Musträhn on looduskaitsealune liik. Kõrvemaa.
Despite the long and hardy persuasion and waiting, Black Woodpecker remained between the branches. It hammered self-forgettingly this old tree so the chips fell meters away. The Black Woodpecker is a protected species. Kõrvemaa, Estonia

04 March 2011

Metskits, Capreolus capreolus

Metskits, Capreolus capreolus, Roe Deer
Metskits, Capreolus capreolus, Roe Deer
Karm talv on teinud tingimused väga keeruliseks just metskitsedele. Hetkel teavad jahimehed rääkida, et näljast nõrkevaid kitsi on mets täis ning algamas on rasked ajad loomadele, kelle toiduahel sõltub just kitsedest.
Rough winter has made the conditons very hard for the Roe Deers. At the moment hunters are saying that the forests are full of exhausted animals and hard times will begin for those whose foodchain is depending on deers. Estonia

02 March 2011

Ennem päikesetõusu

Ennem tõusu, before sunrise
Ennem tõusu, before sunrise
Ennem tõusu, before sunrise
-28C. Krõbedalt kaunis talvehommik merel. Harjumaa.
Before sunrise. -28C. Crispy but beautiful winter morning at sea. Harjumaa, Estonia.

01 March 2011


Talv on koormanud raske lumega ka puud. Harjumaal.
Winter has overloaded the trees with a heavy snow. Harjumaa, Estonia.