Va reinuvader õhtuvalguses. Arvas vist, et sulandub tausta sisse. Tükk aega passis liikumatult. Aga nii ongi parem pilt, sest lume kadumine on rebased teinud üsna rääbakaks - talvisest kaunist kohevusest pole enam midagi alles. Kõrvemaa.
Reynard in the evening light. I guess he thought that he can blend in to the background. He stood there quite a long time motionless. But this is for the better as the disappearance of the snow has made the foxes quite scrawny - nothing is left wintry fluffyness. Kõrvemaa, Estonia.
Reynard in the evening light. I guess he thought that he can blend in to the background. He stood there quite a long time motionless. But this is for the better as the disappearance of the snow has made the foxes quite scrawny - nothing is left wintry fluffyness. Kõrvemaa, Estonia.