Suvega olid tüllid julgemaks või täpsemalt öeldes ükskõiksemaks muutunud. Fotograafi küll märgati, kuid tema klõpsutamist väga miskiks ei peetud. Harjumaa.
During the summer, the Ringed Plovers, had become braver or more indifferent to be more exact. They saw the photographer but did not think of anything the clicks of the shutter. Harjumaa, Estonia.
During the summer, the Ringed Plovers, had become braver or more indifferent to be more exact. They saw the photographer but did not think of anything the clicks of the shutter. Harjumaa, Estonia.
Kurva olemisege teine. Mulle meeldib pildi mahe ja pastelne taust :) Hea vaadata.