Loomulikult sai käidud Prantsusmaal ka linde vaatlemas. Lootsime esiti näha lunne, kuid nende aeg oli läbi (st juulis lendasid ära põhjapoole). Selle eest viidi meid Suulade pesitsuspaiga juurde. Pesitsuspaigaks oli korraliku suurusega saar, mis oli otsast otsani suulasid täis nagu pildilt näha.
Of course we did a bit of birdwatching when in France. We hoped to see Puffins but their time was up (meaning they left the area in July). Instead they took us to the vicinity of the nesting island of the Northern Atlantic Gannets. As seen from the picture - every inch on the island was taken.
Of course we did a bit of birdwatching when in France. We hoped to see Puffins but their time was up (meaning they left the area in July). Instead they took us to the vicinity of the nesting island of the Northern Atlantic Gannets. As seen from the picture - every inch on the island was taken.
Meie jaoks olid need albatrossi mõõtu (ehk siis väga suured) merelinnud eksootika. Eestis neid ei leidu ja välimus oli täiesti omapärane. Lisaks oli lahe nende püstloodis sukeldumised vette kalade järele. Seitsme Saare Arhipelaag, Bretagne, Prantsusmaa.
For us these albatross-sized (meaning big) birds were exotic. We do not have those in Estonia and their appearance was distinctive. Besides that it was cool to watch when they rushed vertically to the water to catch fish. L'archipel des Sept Iles, Bretagne, France
For us these albatross-sized (meaning big) birds were exotic. We do not have those in Estonia and their appearance was distinctive. Besides that it was cool to watch when they rushed vertically to the water to catch fish. L'archipel des Sept Iles, Bretagne, France
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