Peale Bromo sai vallutatud veel teinegi vulkaanikraater - Ijen. Tegemist on samuti suhteliselt "ohutu" vulkaaniga kui see välja arvata, et mõned turistid on oma hooletuse tõttu sinna sisse kukkunud. Samas mõned postitused tagasi kirjutasime ka Bromo kohta, et tegemist on ohutu paigaga ning paar päeva hiljem muutus vulkaan aktiivseks.
After Bromo we also conquered the Ijen crater. It should be also a "safe" volcano if we disregard the fact that some tourist have fallen in due to their own carelessness. Some posts before we declared Bromo also safe only to read the news of the eruption some days later.
Ijenile saamine oli juba oluliselt keerulisem ning vaatepildid olid hoopis teistsugused, kuigi ka seal oli tardunud laavat.
Getting to Ijen was already much more difficult and the views were much different, although there was also frozen lava fields.
Kraatri põhjast kaevandatakse väävlit ja seda teevad kohalikud käsitsi, vedades väävlikamakad seljas kraatri servale ja siis teiselt poolt alla.
At the bottom of the crater there is an active sulfur mine and local mine it manually. They drag the sulfur lumps to the edge of the crater and the down from the other side, carrying those on the back.
Kraatri põhjas on ka happeline järv, pH tase 0.5 (maohape on nt 1.0, mida väiksem seda happelisem). Järve laius on ca 1 km. Ida-Jaava, Indoneesia. Pilt on klikitav.
At the bottom there is also a acidic lake with a pH level of 0.5 (gastric acid is 1.0, the lower level means more acidity). The lake is 1km wide. Eastern Java, Indonesia. The photo is clickable.