Koomiks. Oli kuum suveõhtu, sokupoiss oli aasal just maiustamas mahlaste kõrte kallal.
Comic book. It was a hot summer night, young buck was on a meadow feasting on juicy straws.
Comic book. It was a hot summer night, young buck was on a meadow feasting on juicy straws.
Ühel hetkel kuulis ta krabinat ja nägi metsa servas mingeid kahtlasi tüüpe. Tüübid olid küll kaugel, kuid selle eest väga kahtlased.
One moment it heard a rustle and saw some suspicious creatures near the forest. The creatures were far but very suspicious.
One moment it heard a rustle and saw some suspicious creatures near the forest. The creatures were far but very suspicious.
Kuna siinkandis on ka jahimehi nähtud, katkestas sokupoiss õhtusöögi ja lahkus rutakalt. Lõpp.
As it had seen in this neighborhood many hunters, the buck cut its supper short and left hastily. The end.
As it had seen in this neighborhood many hunters, the buck cut its supper short and left hastily. The end.
Tulin, olin, jooksin! Lühikokkuvõte kitse päevast :) Head tabamused taaskord. On alles õnne teil nende olevustega.