Meie kodu lähedal rannas elavad sellised tegelased. Huvitav on see, et sellel aastal on neid seal ainult 2 isendit ning teisi kahlajaid (tüllid, rüdid, tildrid) pole üldse kohanud. Võimalik, et süüdi on veidi madalam veetase, võimalik, et asi on milleski muus.
Near our home, on the seashore, there are this kind of creatures - Little Ringed Plovers. What's interesting is that there are only 2 of the kind this year and there no other waders (sandpipers, other plovers, shanks) at all. Maybe it's the lower sea level, maybe it's something else.
Near our home, on the seashore, there are this kind of creatures - Little Ringed Plovers. What's interesting is that there are only 2 of the kind this year and there no other waders (sandpipers, other plovers, shanks) at all. Maybe it's the lower sea level, maybe it's something else.
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