Päikesetõusu ajal olime juba poolel teel Ijeni vulkaani tippu. Raske ronimise ajal avanesid meile aga võimsad vaated. Pildil peaks olema Rante mägi.
Sunrise in Eastern-Java. By the time that the sun began to rise, we were already halfway up the Ijen volcano. During this steep climb we were awarded with magnificient views. On the photo it should be Mount Rante.
Sealt paistis meile kätte ka Jaava saare idatipp. Kuigi pildi pealt seda väga hästi aru ei saa, et kus Jaava lõpeb ja Bali algab.
From there you could also see the eastern tip of Java island. Although you cannot see on the photo very clearly where Java ends and Bali begins.
Raungi vulkaan/mägi on üks aktiivsemaid Jaaval. Õnneks ei ole suuri purskeid viimasel ajal olnud.
Mount Raung is one of the most active volcanos in Java. Fortunately there has not been any large eruptions recently.