30 October 2010
Sumatra liblikad
Malai sebra e Pathysa delessertii delessertii.
Sumatran butterflies. Malayan Zebra or Pathysa delessertii delessertii.
Suur, kuni 12cm pikkuse tiivasiruga Punane (?) Helen e Papilio helenus enganius.
A large Red (?) Helen or Papilio helenus enganius, wing span up to 12cm.
29 October 2010
28 October 2010
Veisehaigur, Bubulcus ibis coromandus
Vana tuttav lind kuid väike erinevus elukohas. Tegemist on siis Indoneesia kohaliku Veisehaigruga.
A known bird to us but in a little different location. It's a local Cattle Egret, South-East Asian subspecies.
27 October 2010
Varahommik keset vihmametsa
Kuigi pildilt võib paista, et äikeserohke öö järgne hommik oli kuidagi värske ja mõnus, siis tegelikkuses see nii päris ei olnud. Lisaks kuumusele oli õhuniiskus veelgi suurem, seega ainus võimalus näiteks riideid kuivatada oli nende asetamine päikese kätte kivi peale. Aga vaade oli igatahes maaliline.
Although you might think from this photo that the morning after a nightly thunder storm and rain was fresh, it actually wasn't. Besides the heat, the humidity was even higher so for example the only way to dry the clothes was laying those on the rocks that were in the sun. But the view was still magnificent.
Tuli muidugi vaadata ka kuhu oma riideid või jalgu topid. Need kuumaveeallikate juures olevad väävlist ja muudest kemikaalidest kirjuks värvunud kivid olid kuumad kui kerisel. Gunung Leuseri Rahvuspark, Sumatra, Indoneesia.
Although you had to watch where you put hour clothes or feet. These rocks by the hot springs that were colored by the sulphur and other chemicals were hot as hell. Gunung Leuser NP, Sumatra, Indonesia.
26 October 2010
Vulkaaniline Toba järv ja Samosiri saar
Pildil on maaliline Toba järv, mille keskel väike Samosiri saar. Tegemist on vulkaanilise järvega mis on 100x30 km suurune ja 505 m sügavune. Tekkis see tohutu superpurskega 69-77 000 aastat tagasi, mis tekitas suure kliimamuutuse planeedil ja tänu millele langes Maa temperatuur 3-5 kraadi võrra. Ujumas sai kenasti seal ka käidud, kuid väikene kõhedus jäi sisse, kui mõtlesid sellele, et vesi on kohe kalda ääres üle 150 meetri sügav.Pilt on klikitav. Sumatra, Indoneesia.
On the picture is a scenic lake Toba and a little island Samosir. This volcanic lake is 505 mt deep and 100x30 km wide. It's the site of a supervolcanic eruption that occurred 69,000-77,000 years ago and made a huge climate change which decreased planet's temperature by 3-5 degrees. We also swam in it but had a little chilly feeling because of the fact that the water by the shore was already 150 mt deep. Picture is clickable, panorama from 3 photos. Sumatra, Indonesia.
25 October 2010
Sinabungi vulkaan
Nende kahe pildi juurde käib ka väike jutt ja fotode tähtsus selgus mitu tundi pärast piltide tegemist. Olime sõitmas Leuseri Rahvuspargist Toba järve suunas (ca 12h väga kehvi teid) kui ühel hetkel sõitsime mööda pildil olevast vulkaanist. See tekitas meie sõidukis veidi elevust, kuid põhjusest me aru ei saanud. Vulkaan nagu iga teine (neid ju Indoneesias palju).
Sinabung volcano. There is a story with these photos and the importance of those became evident hours after making. We were driving from Leuser National Park to Lake Toba (ca 12h of very bad roads) when we passed this volcano. It made other passengers excited for a while but we did not understand why. It is just another volcano (there are many of those in Indonesia).
Elevuse põhjus selgus õhtul kui me olime pärast väsitavat sõidupäeva just silma looja lasknud. Telefon hakkas lakkamatult helisema. Tuli välja, et Sinabung oli sellel päeval üleilmselt kuulsaks saanud kuna hakkas purskama pärast 400-aastast vaikust. Külasid evakueeriti jne, kõik kanalid pasundasid sellest. Ning seetõttu soovisid kõik meiega rääkida - alates kodustest lõpetades välisministeeriumiga - et kas meiega on kõik korras. No vaadake neid pilte - on siin midagi õudsat? :)
The reason of this excitment was revealed in the evening when we were just fallen asleep. The phone started ringing non-stop. It turned out that Sinabung got famous this day as it erupted after a 400 years of silence. They evacuated the villages and it was all over the news. Everybody (from relatives at home to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) wanted to know if we were alright. Well look at the photos - do you see anything terrible here? :)
24 October 2010
Vihmametsa taimed
Vihmases vihmametsas taimed lokkavad ja õitsevad.
In rainy rainforest the plants flourish and bloom.
22 October 2010
Mõnus koht
Ühest eelmisest postitusest tuttav koht - karge jõgi keset Sumatra džunglit. See pilt on aga klikitav - panoraam kuuest kaadrist.
A familiar place from one of our older posts - refreshing river in the middle of the Sumatran jungle. This photo is clickable - panorama from 6 shots.
21 October 2010
Prinia flaviventris, Yellow-bellied Prinia
Ega siis reisil ei saanud ilma linnujahita :) Pildil siis tõlkes kollakõhuline põõsalind. Tegemist sealkandis suhteliselt levinud, aktiivse linnukesega. Sumatra, Indoneesia. Linnuhääl: http://www.xeno-canto.org/
Well, we could not go without birdhunting on our trip.Yellow-bellied Prinia is a very common, active bird in Sumatra. Bird voice:http://www.xeno-canto.org/
20 October 2010
Keset vihmametsa asus vulkaaniline kivirahn, mis meenutas hambaid. Selle kohal asuva puu küljes asus muide võimas mesilaste pesa, kus pidi olema keskmiselt 8-10 kilo mett. Sumatra, Indoneesia.
In the middle of the rainforest there was a huge volcanic rock that resembled teeth. Above the "teeth", there was a tree that had a large bees nest on it. It was said that there is in average 8-10kg of honey in it. Sumatra, Indonesia.
19 October 2010
Orangutanid lõbutsemas
Ega siis kogu aeg ei jaksa ka süüa ja lebotada, vahepeal peab natuke ikka ringi tuuseldama.
You cannot only eat and sleep, sometimes you have to have fun also.
Eriti äge on ema söömise ajal segada. See tundus orangutanipoisile eriti meeldivat.
Disturbing mother while she picks berries is especially funny. This was orangutan boy's favorite act.
Vahel sobib ka niisama võiduronimine. Gunung Leuseri Rahvuspark, Indoneesia.
Sometimes the climbing competition was also a possibility. Gunung Leuser National Park, Indonesia.
18 October 2010
Veel kauneid vaateid. Mäed mattumas pilvedesse.Sumatra.
More beautiful views. Mountains buried under clouds. Sumatra.
17 October 2010
Valik Gunung Leuseri Rahvuspargi liblikaid
Vindula dejone erotoides e kruiisija liblikas. Või midagi sarnast. Selle liblika eripära avaldus selles, et hetk pärast maandumist sulges ta kohe oma tiivad. Seega lahtiste tiibadega pildi saamine oli keeruline.
Selection of the butterflies of Gunung Leuser National Park. Cruiser butterfly. This butterfly closes its wings as soon as it lands. So it was quite difficult to make a photo where the wings are open.
Tanaecia Iapis cocytina. Sellele ei leidnud me ei eesti ega ka inglise keelset nime. Üks on aga selge - ta ei ole enam oma parimas vormis.
Tanaecia Iapis cocytina. For this species we did not find an English name. But one thing is sure - it has had some rough times in the past.
See liik jäi üldse määramata. Kui keegi teab, võib kommentaari kirjutada.
This species is still undetermined. If anybody knows, leave a comment.
16 October 2010
Alase jõgi
Veel maalilisi vaateid Ketambe troopilisest vihmametsast.
More scenic views from Ketambe tropical rainforest.
15 October 2010
14 October 2010
Pikasabaline makaak, Macaca fascicularis
Sellised sõbralikud olevused tervitasid meid tihti teeäärtes. Üldiselt neile meeldis eksisteerida inimestega koos. Sümbioosist on asi muidugi kaugel-pigem need väikesed sõrmed pätsasid mis ette juhtus.
These friendly creatures welcomed us often along the road. Generally they like to coexist with humans. This is far from symbiosis-rather these little fingers filched what they could.
13 October 2010
Vihmametsas on kõik suurem kui tavaliselt. Näiteks osad sipelgad olid sellised keskmise puulehe suurused. Sumatra, Indoneesia.
In rainforest everything is bigger. For example some ants were as big as an average tree leaf. Sumatra, Indonesia.
12 October 2010
Oma öö dzunglis veetsime kauni kärestiku ääres mida soojendasid vulkaanilised veeallikad.
Nagu ka pildilt näha, tõusevad õhku kuumad aurud. Vesi oli kohati allikate lättes nii palav, et seal sai mune keeta, mida me ka tegime :)
We spent our night in the jungle beside a beautiful rapid what was heated up by volcanic hot springs. As you can see on the picture, the hot steam is rising. At the source the water was so hot that you could boil the eggs in it as we did :)
11 October 2010
Sumatra Orangutan, Pongo abelii
Niisiis, meie Sumatra reisi peamine eesmärk - näha vabas looduses orangutani. Kuna liik (Sumatra orangutan) on äärmiselt ohustatud, siis selleks on vaid alles jäänud 2 võimalust. Bukit Lawangis on orangutanide rehabilitatsioonikeskus, kus näeb poolmetsikuid isendeid. Ketambe kandis näeb aga looduses sündinud ja üles kasvanud loomi, seega ekstrapingutustele vaatamata valisime viimase.
So, the main goal of our Sumatran trip - to see anorangutan in the wild. As this species (Sumatran orangutan) is critically endangered, there are only 2 options left to see them. In Bukit Lawang there is a rehabilitation centre where you can see semi-wild animals. In Ketambe you can see the orangutans that are truly wild. So inspite of the extra efforts, we chose the latter.
Sumatra orangutanid on veidi väiksemad kui tema Borneo hõimuvelled. Samas on neid maailmasse alles jäänud ka kõvasti vähem. Erisuseks on veel ka see, et Sumatra inimahvide lemmiktoiduks on puuviljad. Viigimarjade nosimisega nad ka meie külaskäigu ajal peamiselt tegelesid.
Sumatran orangutans are a bit smaller than its Borneo's counterparts. Another difference is that they are more frugivorous. Eating figs was also their main activity when we visited them in the jungle.
Jälgida sai neid suhteliselt rahulikult, sest inimesest nad end häirida ei lasknud. Ilmselt mängis siin rolli ka asjaolu, et nad olid kusagil 20-30 meetri kõrgusel puu otsas ning meie paistsime all suhteliselt abitud välja. Aga need siis esimesed pildid meie sealsest saagist, tulevikus tuleb veel. Kuigi peamine oli siiski nende nägemine vabas looduses, pildi tegemine oli antud juhul siiski sekundaarne. Ketambe, Gunung Leuseri Rahvuspark, Indoneesia.
You could observe the orangutans quite easily as they did not care much of our existence. Probably the fact that they were on a tree, 20-30 metres above us, played a role. These were the first photos from our collection, there is more to come. Though the main thing for us was seeing them on the wild, making photos was not as important. Ketambe, Gunung Leuser National Park, Indonesia.
10 October 2010
Palvetajaritsikas, Mantis
Pildil siis pirakas palvetajaritsikas. Kärestiku ääres, varjulisemas kohas puhkas kenasti oma tiibu.
Ega talle need pealepassijad eriti ei meeldinud. Lõpuks puges peitu.
On the picture is a big Mantis. Beside the rapids it rested its wings on the shady place.
It didn't really like people staring and just went away soon.
Ega talle need pealepassijad eriti ei meeldinud. Lõpuks puges peitu.
On the picture is a big Mantis. Beside the rapids it rested its wings on the shady place.
It didn't really like people staring and just went away soon.
09 October 2010
Presbytis thomasi, Thomas's Leaf-monkey
Püüdsime küll väga, kuid ei saanud paremat pilti. Toomase Leheahv (vaba tõlge eesti keelde) jäi endale kindlaks ja ülevalt pimedast puudevõrast alla ei tulnud. Kuna seda ahvi esineb vaid Sumatra saarel, siis pilti panemata ka ei saanud jätta.
We tried but could not get a better photo. Thomas's Leaf-monkey or Thomas's Langur did not want to come down from a dark treetop. As this monkey is endemic to Sumatran island, it was also impossible not to put the photo on our blog.
We tried but could not get a better photo. Thomas's Leaf-monkey or Thomas's Langur did not want to come down from a dark treetop. As this monkey is endemic to Sumatran island, it was also impossible not to put the photo on our blog.
Kuigi otseselt väljasuremise ohus see prillidega vahva vunts ei ole, siis illegaalne metsaraie ohustab nende elupaiku. Peamiselt sööb ta seemneid, lehti ja puuvilju. Eripäraks on tema ääretult pikk saba, mis nagu näha isegi pildile pole täielikult ära mahtunud. Ketambe, Gunung Leuseri Rahvuspark, Indoneesia.
Although it is not endangered species, the illegal logging threatens its habitat. It mainly eats seeds, leaves and fruits. As a distinctive feature, it has a very long tail that has not even fitted on our photo. Ketambe, Gunung Leuser National Park, Indonesia.
Although it is not endangered species, the illegal logging threatens its habitat. It mainly eats seeds, leaves and fruits. As a distinctive feature, it has a very long tail that has not even fitted on our photo. Ketambe, Gunung Leuser National Park, Indonesia.
08 October 2010
Vihmametsa õied, Rainforest flowers
Valik vihmametsades kasvavaid taimi. Kollane lill...
A selection on rainforest flowers. Yellow flower...
...punane lill ja...
...red flower and...
...metsik ingver. Sumatra, Indoneesia.
...a wild ginger. Sumatra Indonesia
07 October 2010
Neptis hylas lulculenta
Loodus on Indoneesias imeline. Igal pool lendasid värvilised liblikad, üks suurem kui teine. Pildil siis Common Sailor, Neptis hylas lulculenta - tõlkes harilik madrus. Muide kivid olid nii kuumad, et läbimärg särk oli kuiv 15 minutiga. Huvitav kuidas liblikas seal seista kannatab?
Nature in Indonesia is just miraculous. Colorful butterflies flew everywhere, one is bigger than the other. On the picture you can see Common Sailor. By the way the rocks were so hot that soaking wet shirt was dry in 15 minutes. I wonder how the butterfly could stand there?
06 October 2010
Salapärane kuju
See kahtlane, lehtede alla varjuv tegelane on peamine põhjus, miks me võtsime ette 9-tunnise autosõidu ja 2-päevase džunglimatka. Paremad kaadrid jõuavad blogisse mõne päeva pärast. Sumatra, Indoneesia.
Mystery character. This shady guy is the main reason why we did a 9-hour car drive and a 2-day hike in the jungle. Better shots will be presented in this blog after a couple of days. Sumatra, Indonesia.
Mystery character. This shady guy is the main reason why we did a 9-hour car drive and a 2-day hike in the jungle. Better shots will be presented in this blog after a couple of days. Sumatra, Indonesia.
05 October 2010
Matkamisel tegime peatuse sellise maalilise kärestiku kaldal kus käisime end ka jahutamas.
During the hike we did a break beside a picturesque cascade where we cooled ourselves down.
Vesi oli karge-külm ja väga puhas. Selline tunnine lõuna tundus raske matka ajal taevalikuna.
Water was crispy cold and and very clear. This one-hour lunch felt felt divine after a hard hike.
04 October 2010
Veetsime džunglis ringi matkates 2 rasket päeva. Raske oli see igas mõttes. Esiteks oli trekkimine füüsiliselt ääretult kurnav selles kuumas ja niiskes keskkonnas ning teiseks oli soov samal ajal ka pidevalt ringi vahtida, pilti teha ja kummaliste häälte allikaid otsida.Reeglina aga toimus kogu elu kümnete meetrite kõrguste puude latvades. Seega füüsiliselt kurnatuna tuli teha pilti ja otsida olevusi väga halbades valgustingimustes (hämar metsaalune ja kiirgav päike latvades).
We spent 2 difficult hiking days in the jungle. It was difficult in different aspects. First of all the trekking was physically very exhausting in this hot and humid environment and second of all you always wanted to look around and take photos (although your body was really tired). In jungle most of the life goes on on the canopy therefore the light conditions were also terrible (shady forest floor and sharp sunlight on the top).
We spent 2 difficult hiking days in the jungle. It was difficult in different aspects. First of all the trekking was physically very exhausting in this hot and humid environment and second of all you always wanted to look around and take photos (although your body was really tired). In jungle most of the life goes on on the canopy therefore the light conditions were also terrible (shady forest floor and sharp sunlight on the top).
Puude puhul oli tihtipeale hoopis tegu liaanidega, kes olid oma peremeespuud ära kägistanud ning troonisid nüüd ise vihmametsa. See on sealkandis tavapärane, et suured puud on seest tühjad – puu on seest ära mädanenud ja alles on jäänud ainult teda ümbritsenud liaan. Puude kõrgus ulatub tihtipeale üle 70 meetri, pilt kahjuks seda võimsust edasi ei anna.
When I say trees, I often mean lianas who have strangled their hosts. It is very common in rainforest that the big trees are empty inside – the tree has rottened and only a surrounding liana is left. The trees are usually 70+... meters high, photos sadly cannot do justice here.
Võibolla annab väikese tunnetuse see pilt – antud puu alumises otsas asuv looduslik kaar on üle 10 meetri kõrge (st ca 4-korruselise maja kõrgus). Ja see on ainult puu alumine ots. Gunung Leuseri rahvuspar, Ketambe, Põhja-Sumatra, Indoneesia.
Maybe this photo gives a little hint – the natural arch on the bottom of this tree is over 10m high (i.e. as high as a 4-storey building). And this only the bottom of the tree. Gunung Leuser National Park, Ketambe, North-Sumatra, Indonesia.
When I say trees, I often mean lianas who have strangled their hosts. It is very common in rainforest that the big trees are empty inside – the tree has rottened and only a surrounding liana is left. The trees are usually 70+... meters high, photos sadly cannot do justice here.
Võibolla annab väikese tunnetuse see pilt – antud puu alumises otsas asuv looduslik kaar on üle 10 meetri kõrge (st ca 4-korruselise maja kõrgus). Ja see on ainult puu alumine ots. Gunung Leuseri rahvuspar, Ketambe, Põhja-Sumatra, Indoneesia.
Maybe this photo gives a little hint – the natural arch on the bottom of this tree is over 10m high (i.e. as high as a 4-storey building). And this only the bottom of the tree. Gunung Leuser National Park, Ketambe, North-Sumatra, Indonesia.
03 October 2010
Pikasabaline makaak, Macaca fascicularis
Olime Põhja-Sumatra saarel dzunglis ning matkates jäi meile palju huvitavaid loomi-linde teele. Pildil siis sõbralik makaak puud kallistamas.
We were in North-Sumatran island's jungle and during the hike we saw a lot of different animals-birds. On the picture is friendly Long-tailed Macaque hugging a tree.
We were in North-Sumatran island's jungle and during the hike we saw a lot of different animals-birds. On the picture is friendly Long-tailed Macaque hugging a tree.
02 October 2010
Kakao, Cocoa
Tänasest alates saab meie blogis mõnda aega näha looduspilte kunagisest vürtsikaubanduse keskusest - Indoneesiast. Veetsime selles mitmekülgses riigis poole augustist ja suure osa septembrist, seega vaatamisväärset sai pildile nii mõndagi. Alustuseks siis kakaotaim Põhja-Sumatralt.
Starting today you can see for a while in our blog nature photographs from the former spice trading center - Indonesia. We spent half of the August and most of the September in this diverse country. For starters a cocoa plant from North-Sumatra.
Starting today you can see for a while in our blog nature photographs from the former spice trading center - Indonesia. We spent half of the August and most of the September in this diverse country. For starters a cocoa plant from North-Sumatra.
01 October 2010
Mudatilder, Tringa glareola
Need kaks mudatildri pilti lõpetavad selle pika kahlajate seeria. Alates homsest võib blogis näha hoopis midagi teistsugust, hoopis teisest maailmanurgast.
These 2 photos of Wood Sandpipers end the long waders series. Starting tomorrow you will see in this blog something totally different, something from the other corner of the world.
These 2 photos of Wood Sandpipers end the long waders series. Starting tomorrow you will see in this blog something totally different, something from the other corner of the world.
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